Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good to go

Where oh where does the time go? I swear almost everyday I say I am going to make it here to post something and yet so many nights I am so tired and feeling like I do not have the time. Things have actually been going pretty well but I just seem to never run out of things that need to be done.

We have been having excellent grass growing weather but I am glad I am not trying to get hay put up this year with the cool and showery weather. I am friends with many hay growers so I try to balance my thoughts between hoping for cheap rained on feeder hay and at the same time rooting for anyone that is involved with agriculture to have a good year. The cattle market has seemed to have topped out but the current level is great compared to the last few years.

I need to start making a point to take my camera with me during the day. I have missed so many great nature shots lately. I watched a pelican wrestle with a large carp yesterday and the pelican won. The camera always seems to be in another pickup or at home. I am going to try and gather the late calving, open (not pregnant) and old fall calving cows tomorrow. This time of year cash flow is always an issue and the bills seem to not really care as they continue to roll in. I have one irrigation pump that is giving me fits and I am at the point of calling a professional. Oh well, another bill to make sure the bank account does not get too fat.

All I really do these days is change irrigation water and fix some fence just to break the monotony. The weather is nice and the long days help to keep a positive attitude. I keep dreaming of little improvement projects but even with long daylight hours they seem to fade away because of things that HAVE to be done each day. The saving grace is I am feeling well, the family is healthy and happy, the grass keeps growing, the cows are slick and fat and the calves are growing.

I guess sometimes life is just about appreciating the little things and not getting caught up in the “extras” that are nice but not necessary to living a full life. I heard a song today that I guess has been out for awhile but I had somehow not heard it before. After hearing it I took some time and talked with Dad because it reminded me so much of him. The man really had life figured out and as I strive to get to that place I sure think about him a lot. If you are interested here is a youtube link to the song……

Today’s real environmentalist species is the ladybug aka ladybird aka Coccinella septempunctada.

Today’s picture is of two yearling heifers that apparently did not have time to look up for the camera.